
If you have been involved in an accident with a large commercial truck in or around Everett, WA, you may have sustained serious injuries that require costly medical treatment and leave you unable to work. Fortunately, you can seek compensation for your losses if your accident resulted from another party’s negligence. To discuss your legal options, review your case with an experienced Everett truck accident attorney.

At the Snohomish County Injury Attorney, our attorney Kelby Derenick has the expertise to offer you aggressive representation if you have a legitimate case. He can answer your questions and help you understand your legal rights. If you hire him, he will also provide the aggressive representation you deserve to optimize your chances of securing the compensation for which you may be eligible.

What You Need to Know About the Everett Truck Accident

Truck accidents are relatively common in our area. According to the Washington Department of Motor Vehicles Crash Data Portal, approximately 537 accidents occurred in Snohomish County in 2021. They occur for several reasons, often due to negligence by a truck operator.

Truck drivers can cause accidents if they engage in common negligent motorist behavior, such as speeding or drunk driving. Drowsy driving, in particular, is common among truckers.

Driving a truck when you’re too tired to operate such a complex and large vehicle safely is extremely dangerous. Thus, several laws regulate how much time truck drivers can spend on the road before taking breaks. However, according to reports from truckers themselves, they often feel intense pressure to adhere to strict schedules. This may cause them to skip breaks even if doing so could put both themselves and those with whom they share the road at risk of potential injury.

How a Everett Truck Accident Attorney Can Help You Pursue Compensation

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, you may be left with severe injuries that require expensive, long-term medical treatment and leave you permanently unable to work. You may also incur non-economic losses like pain and suffering. You deserve to be compensated for all of your losses if your accident occurred because another party was unreasonably careless.

Our Everett truck accident attorney can assist you in identifying the liable parties, gathering evidence of negligence, accounting for your losses to determine what your claim might be worth, filing a claim, and handling all other major administrative tasks on your behalf. We will also negotiate for a proper settlement when the insurance company doesn’t initially offer one.

Although a truck accident resulting from someone else’s negligence can be a devastating experience, you deserve to know help is available. Our attorney can assist you in pursuing the compensation you deserve, allowing you to focus on your physical and emotional well-being. Contact us online today or at 360-965-8251 to learn more about how we can assist you with your truck accident case in Everett, WA.

Our Practice Area

Kelby Derenick Is Here To Fight For
Your Maximum Recovery

If you have suffered injuries from an accident in Snohomish County, your next step after getting necessary medical care should be to contact a trusted attorney. Our law office is here to give you the peace of mind you need by speaking with someone who not only understands the ins and outs of personal injury law, but someone who cares about your situation. It all starts with scheduling a free consultation by calling us at (360) 965-8251 or filling out the form below.

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